Master the 7 pillars of community in 7 days

"You should be charging for this"

(Advice we didn't follow)


Community is quickly becoming THE strategy for smart brands.


This is everything you need to start building a community; the why, who, where, and how. 


Each email is designed to give you simple, actionable frameworks you can use to start building your community today.


This is how you retain (way) more customers. 



"You should be charging for this"

(Advice I didn't follow)


Billion dollar subscription brands have one thing in common: they've all built a community,


Converting customers into community reduces churn and gives you a direct line to the people who matter most.


This free course covers every pillar of community.  Each email is designed to give you simple, actionable frameworks you can use to start building your community today.


April MacLean

Founder, Wondry.

Building community for Sony Music, HubSpot Media, The Hustle, and many more.

Day 1 Framework

Customer relationships and the three-part litmus test for Minimum Viable Community.

Day 2 Framework

Working through the Bridge Method for getting clear who belongs...and who doesn't.

Day 3 Framework

How to make community should be a profit center through driving four primary outcomes.

Day 4 Framework

Platform and engagement: where should you host it? And what will people talk about

Day 5 Framework

The launch checklist: 8 critical decisions to make before you invite people in. (ignore everything else)

Day 6 Framework

Is it working? How to measure, what to measure, and why engagement is a bad goal.

Day 7 Framework

Putting it all together:  A community launch game plan from start to finish, complete with milestones.

"We were definitely thinking about platform wrong, and I think you saved us from making a huge mistake"

- Martin

"I actually snort-laughed reading the day 3 email and got coffee in my nose. Great analogy!"

- Kara

"Holy sh*t April, this is amazing content. Love the Moo cards idea. Wow!"

- Kamila